仙女山国家级旅游度假区 休闲度假首选地
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In October 2015, Fairy Mountain National Tourist Resort was announced by the national tourism administration as "the first batch of 17 state-level tourist zones", along with Jilin Changbaishan International Resort and Guangzhou Chang long Tourist Resort. The average annual temperature is 14.3, the average annual rainfall is 1,214mm, and the forest coverage rate is above 80%. Tourist Resort is equipped with fully functional star hotel group, outdoor sports park, alpine golf, sub-alpine sports ground, folk racetrack, net(basket) stadium, ski resort, go-kart, mountain off-road and other recreational facilities. It is an excellent place for outdoor sports.

版权所有:重庆市武隆区人民政府 主办单位:重庆市武隆区人民政府办公室

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